What is The Indonesian Dreams?

rizki yulian
4 min readJan 21, 2024

Some of us may be familiar with the term “American Dreams.” It is a broader concept or vision encompassing individual prosperity and freedom, often associated with immigration to America as people seek economic opportunities and freedom. The American Dream is commonly linked to aspects such as homeownership, quality education, successful employment, and surpassing the achievements of the previous generation.

Now, let’s draw a comparison with our own country, Indonesia. Do we also have “Indonesian Dreams”? The answer is “yes”. Indonesia holds the rank as the fourth most populous country globally, a sizable nation situated in Asia, where the population on a single island (Java) can exceed that of the entire country of Russia. Indonesia, being the largest archipelago, is paradoxically an unseen giant. Indonesian Dreams mirror the aspirations and hopes of Indonesian society to attain progress and success across various aspects of life.

World Map of Ship Routes

Unlike the Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, and some of its more well-known neighboring countries, Indonesia faces a lower level of recognition. Even Pandji Pragiwaksono, who is pioneering his stand-up comedy career in New York, finds it challenging to talk about Indonesia. For example, some people mistakenly believe that Indonesia is part of the Philippines, even though it is not. Despite being geographically close to each other. Another misconception is that some people think Bali is its own country, even though Bali is a part of Indonesia.

This lack of global recognition is often attributed to limited international business penetration. Indonesian cultural establishments, businesses, and cuisine lack the international visibility seen in neighboring countries such as Thailand and Vietnam, where their cultural elements are widely embraced. Various Thai and Vietnamese foods, for instance, are readily found in many countries. Indonesia boasts a rich tapestry of cultures and holds the record for the highest number of languages. According to data from the World Atlas of Languages (WAL) on the UNESCO website, there are currently 8,324 spoken and sign languages, with around 7,000 still in use. However, it is still difficult for Indonesia to introduce its cultural riches to the world.

So, what is the “Indonesian Dreams”? The answer is “Going Global” or “Global Recognition”. We often witness how foreigners effortlessly garner attention and views by creating content about Indonesia. Even just mentioning the word “Indonesia,” we can observe the enthusiasm of the Indonesian community in the comment sections. They might express sentiments such as “That’s my country!” or “I am Indonesian, and I am so proud.”

The comment sections and content, such as the images above, can easily be found on YouTube and various other social media platforms. Indonesians are enthusiastic about achieving global recognition and being recognized as global citizens. This stems from the fact, as mentioned earlier, that Indonesia is a vast but often unnoticed country — an extensive archipelagic nation that lacks widespread visibility or recognition.

Perhaps, we’ve also heard the song “Lathi” that trended in the 2020s. This song become viral because this song combine various music genres, including electronic, EDM (Electronic Dance Music), and elements of traditional Indonesian music. “Lathi” creates an energetic and modern atmosphere by incorporating powerful electronic instruments.

Or perhaps, we’ve seen Gordon Ramsay’s content cooking rendang. The video went viral with millions of viewers on YouTube. And do we know who is the happiest and proudest to see this content? Yes, the Indonesian people!

Based on the data and realities presented in this writing, it is evident that the Indonesian people’s strong desire to go global is substantial. The aspiration of Indonesians is to be recognized and respected globally through achievements in various fields, including arts, sports, economy, cuisine, and more. Through this recognition, it is hoped that Indonesia’s accomplishments, culture, and diversity can shine on the world stage, creating a global platform that appreciates the extraordinary contributions of this archipelagic nation.

